ENPRA 101A Engineering Practice

ENPRA 101A Engineering Practice Link


Moodle Link--- Click HERE


Wk1-Gen & dist of elect energy


Electrical Distribution Lessons

Advanced Power System


G015-AA Mod.zip

Lesson 1-Distribution system.zip





G015(AA)Lesson 2-Demand factor.zip










Electrical Power Principle


Electrical Distribution


Wk2-Rgulatory system






NSW Electrical Services Rule

Code of Practice






NSW Electrical Services Rule




Code of Professional Conduct

All individuals registered as Professional Engineers and those aspiring to become registered Professional Engineers shall deliver services in accordance with the Society’s Code of Professional Conduct and shall: 4


1. Competence

a) only undertake professional tasks for which they are competent and will at all times exercise all reasonable professional skill and care to prevent avoidable danger to health or safety and the creation of adverse impacts on the environment.

b) maintain and broaden their knowledge, experience and competence and encourage others to do so.

2. Integrity

a) treat all persons fairly with respect and without bias

b) avoid where possible real or perceived conflict of interest and advise affected parties should such conflicts arise.

c) observe the proper duties of confidentiality owed to appropriate parties.

d) discharge their professional duties with integrity, impartiality and objectivity and have no involvement with any form of bribery.

3. Responsibility

a) accept appropriate responsibility for work carried out under their supervision.

b) assess relevant risks and liability and, if appropriate, have in force appropriate liability insurances.

c) notify the Society within 28 days:

•              • if convicted of a criminal offence other than parking fines or convictions for exceeding the speed limit:

•               • upon becoming bankrupt or disqualified as a Company Director:

•              • if they are removed from the membership of another professional body as the result of a matter relating to conduct.


d) notify the Society of any significant violation of the Code of Conduct by any Professional Engineer on the register or any aspiring member seeking to gain access to the register.

4. Information

a) co-operate with the Society and provide such information as may be requested to facilitate any investigation into the conduct of any Professional Engineer on the register or any aspiring member seeking to gain access to the register. 5


5. Relationships

a) have due regard to their duty of care to clients and not take advantage of any client or potential client for whatever cause or reason in obtaining and carrying out instructions.

b) put all terms of engagement in writing and state the fees to be charged; whenever practicable, these should be issued to the client before a project is begun.

c) inform his/her client immediately if it appears that his/her estimate as to the total fees to be charged is likely to be or will be exceeded.

d) take care not to mislead a client as to the range of services that a quoted fee is intended to cover and the amount of future fees which may be involved. Note in respect of relationships: Any Professional Engineer on the register or any aspiring member seeking to gain access to the register shall not:

•              • accept a professional assignment if he/she is aware or has reasonable cause to suspect that another member is acting for the client in respect of the same assignment, until either the first contract has been determined by the client, or the other member has consented to him acting.

•              • induce a client to agree to pay sums of money which are not justified by reference to the work which the member has carried out or has been instructed to carry out.

•              • offer or give any fee, commission, discount or other inducement (financial or otherwise) to a third party in return for the introduction of clients or particular professional assignments unless, before entering into a legally binding agreement


with that client he/she makes full disclosure to the relevant client of the nature or amount of such fee, commission, discount or inducement and the name of the person or persons to whom such fee, commission, discount or inducement was offered or given.

6. Practice

a) Ensure that in respect of any firm in which he/she is or is held out to be a sole proprietor, partner or a director or through which he/she practises or conducts business:

•              • the composition (list of partners or directors) is clearly stated on all appropriate documentation and that where there has been a material alteration to the composition, all clients of the firm or company are notified of the change promptly;




•              • the style or title does not adversely reflect upon his/her professional status as a Professional Engineer and the dignity and reputation of the engineering profession;

•              • the name is not misleading or liable to cause confusion with the public, nor does it imply any partnership arrangement



•              in the name of any partnership in which such member practises provided all the member’s partners are similarly entitled to use the Title and designatory letters

•              • to describe the name of any company provided only that all the shareholders and/or members of such company and all the directors of such company are similarly entitled to use the Title.

•              • to describe the name of a firm or business which is not a partnership or company in which he/she practises provided such use of the Title does not give the impression that any other person or persons with whom such member is carrying on business or whom such member employs or with whom such member is associated in any way is entitled to use the same Relevant Title or, if the impression referred to is given, such other person or persons is or are similarly entitled to use the Title.

7. Managerial responsibility

a) In addition to the responsibilities referred to in the Rules of Professional Conduct, but subject to the following, any Professional Engineer on the register or any aspiring member seeking to gain access to the register shall be prima facie responsible, as a matter of professional conduct, for the acts or omissions including, in particular, breach of any of the provisions of the Articles and Bye-Laws of the Society or these Rules of Professional Conduct of:

•              • any firm in which the member is, or holds him/herself out to be, or allows him/herself to be held out as a partner, or any firm which the member allows to use his/her name and/or style and title or designatory letters in any of its advertisements, publicity material or notepaper; and




•              • any company of which he/she is a director or any co-director of that company or any company which the member allows to use his/her name and/or style and title or designatory letters in any of its advertisements, publicity material or notepaper.


b) If any Professional Engineer on the register or any aspiring member seeking to gain access to the register is able to show that, without default on his/her part, he/she was not aware, and there was no reason for him to be aware at the time of any breach of these provisions by any firm or company referred to above and he/she had, prior to the breach, taken all reasonable steps to ensure that such a breach would not occur, then he/she shall not be in breach of this Rule.

8 Publicity and Advertising

a) Any Professional Engineer on the register or any aspiring member seeking to gain access to the register may publicise his/her services or permit another person to do so, but in doing so the member must have due regard to the standards set by the Advertising Standards Authority and any standards set by any other regulatory or governmental authority in relation to advertising and ensure that any publicity for which he/she is in any way responsible is neither inaccurate nor misleading.

b) In all advertising, publicity material or public statements for which any Professional Engineer on the register or any aspiring member seeking to gain access to the register is in any way responsible, he/she shall avoid all claims of superiority over, or critical comparisons of, the services provided by other engineers and shall avoid any direct comparison of fees and charges levied by other engineers.

c) Any Professional Engineer on the register or any aspiring member seeking to gain access to the register may only refer to the name of a client in any advertising, publicity material or public statement if the prior written consent of that client is first obtained.

d) Advertisements or other publicity material issued by any Professional Engineer on the register or any aspiring member seeking to gain access to the register or by a firm in which they are held out to be a partner or director or a company through which they practise or conducts their business may state (subject to compliance with any other relevant regulations or legal requirements) either expressly or implied that they, the firm or the company (as the case may be) offers expertise or specialist advice in relation to a particular field of engineering provided only that this is the case. 8



From newspaper, journal, internet, online chatting groups, show one event that signify the breach of engineering ethics such as use of substandard materials, breach of safety law, breach of fair practice, attempt to monopolizing , use of law and authority for safeguarding own benefits or personal associates , depressing others and highlight how engineering ethics are breached.





G033+G063+G107 (Week 1 to 6 Lessons)(G033)


G033+G063+G107 Week 10  to 15

G015-AE Mod.zip



Electrical EquipmentsSafety Protection




Electrical Safe Working Ultimo.pdf


Wk5-Drawing & speci


Electrical Specifications






Basic Electrical Drafting












CAD Drafting+ Computerized Electronic Circuit Development

CAD CAE CAM Textbooks

To be copied from USB

Engg Softwares

To be copied from USB




Electrical Workshop Wiring Mod



Electrical workshop


Basic Electrical Fitting & Wiring


Basic Electrical Drafting


E001+002+005+008+033/ E101+102+105+108+137+G106

Page       128        to       136                 of  http://www.filefactory.com/file/cf9bf8f/n/Video_Lessons.pdf

www.highlightcomputer.com/Video Lessons.pdf


Electrical workshop


Electrical workshop Lesson 1 OHS.zip




Electrical workshop Lesson 2 Workplace hazard+Fix & secure equipment.zip





Electrical workshop Lesson 3 Mechanical fixing.zip






Electrical workshop Lesson 4 Basic electrical wiring.zip





Electrical workshop Lesson 5 Wiring circuits.zip






Electrical workshop Lesson 6 Electrical safety testing.zip






Electrical workshop Lesson 7 Testing insulation and polarity.zip







Electrical workshop Lesson 8 Testing lighting polarity.zip





The links contain the following lessons

Electrical workshop Lesson 1 OHS

Electrical workshop Lesson 2 Workplace hazard+Fix & secure equipment

Electrical workshop Lesson 3 Mechanical fixing

Electrical workshop Lesson 4 Basic electrical wiring

Electrical workshop Lesson 5 Wiring circuits

Electrical workshop Lesson 6 Electrical safety testing

Electrical workshop Lesson 7 Testing insulation and polarity

Electrical workshop Lesson 8 Testing lighting polarity



Wk8-Wiring syst

Wk9-Wiring syst

Practical Videos

Data Cabling


Dimmer Light Installation


Install Sub Panel


Installing EMT+MC Cable



Installing Feeder Wire from main busbar



Main Switch Board & Socket outlet Installation



Pulling Cable



Switchboard Circuit Breaker Installation




UG Conduit Installation


Use fish tape to pull the cable


Wiring Trunking Assembly




Electrical workshop


Basic Electrical Fitting & Wiring


Basic Electrical Drafting


E001+002+005+008+033/ E101+102+105+108+137+G106

Page       128        to       136                 of  http://www.filefactory.com/file/cf9bf8f/n/Video_Lessons.pdf

www.highlightcomputer.com/Video Lessons.pdf

Electrical workshop

Electrical workshop Lesson 1 OHS.zip




Electrical workshop Lesson 2 Workplace hazard+Fix & secure equipment.zip



Electrical workshop Lesson 3 Mechanical fixing.zip




Electrical workshop Lesson 4 Basic electrical wiring.zip



Electrical workshop Lesson 5 Wiring circuits.zip




Electrical workshop Lesson 6 Electrical safety testing.zip



Electrical workshop Lesson 7 Testing insulation and polarity.zip





Electrical workshop Lesson 8 Testing lighting polarity.zip


Advanced Electrical Wiring


Advanced Electrical Wiring

G003+G004+G007+ G103+G104+G033+G063

Page       149        to        163                of  http://www.filefactory.com/file/cf9bf8f/n/Video_Lessons.pdf

www.highlightcomputer.com/Video Lessons.pdf

Electrical wiring + Electrical Installation requirement

G003+G004+G007 Lesson 1 Electrical installation protection.zip



G003+G004+G007 Lesson 2 Electrical system safety.zip




G003+G004+G007 Lesson 3 Heating+Cable ckt protection exercise.zip




G003+G004+G007 Lesson 4 Wiring system.zip





G003+G004+G007 Lesson 5 Hazardous area electrical system.zip




G003+G004+G007 Lesson 6 Overload protection RCD.zip




G003+G004+G007 Lesson 7 RCD + Metering.zip




G003+G004+G007 Lesson 8 Switch board installation.zip





G003+G004+G007 Lesson 9 Cable selection+Maximum demand.zip



G003+G004+G007 Lesson 10 Electrical installation safety testing.zip






Electrical Installation


Electrical Equipments Safety Protection


Electrical Installation Design


Page     164          to          182              of  http://www.filefactory.com/file/cf9bf8f/n/Video_Lessons.pdf

www.highlightcomputer.com/Video Lessons.pdf

Electrical Installation requirement


G007 Lesson 1 AS3000 Wiring rule overview.zip


G007 Lesson 2 Maximum Demand calculation.zip



G007 Lesson 3 Cable selection.zip



G007 Lesson 4 Cable voltage drop calculation.zip



G007 Lesson 5 Derating of cable part 1.zip






G007 Lesson 6 Derating of cable part 2.zip




G007 Lesson 7 Derating of cable for HRC fuse protection.zip



G007 Lesson 8 Final subcircuit fault loop impedance.zip





G033+G063+G107 (Week 1 to 6 Lessons)(G033)

G063 Wk 7+8

 G033 Hot  Water  System 

G106 Cable Termination (UG Cable)

 G106 Cable Termination

G106+G033 Practical 

G033+G063+G107 Week 10  to 15





Electrical Installation Design


Wiring Notes 1.pdf


Wiring Notes 2.pdf



Advanced Electrical Wiring


Cable Installation

Electrical Trade Note 1


Electrical Trade Note 2


Electrical Trade Note 3


Electrical Trade Note 4


NSW Electrical Service Rules




Electrical Equipments


Switchboard Wiring.pdf






Wk12-Emergency Syst


Wk13-Emergency Syst



K041 Lesson 16-Energy efficiency+Lighting.zip






K041 Lesson 17-Illumination+Smoke alarm.zip







Electrical Project Practice + Building Service Electrical & Mechanical Engineering

Project 1


Project 2


Project 3


Project 4


Project 5


Electrical Project Practice


Project 6


Project 7




Building Service Engineering Textbook


Building Service Electrical& Mechanical Engineering

Electrical Wiring Practice

Cable selection  Page 8,9,12,15,20,

Circuit Protection Page 11,12,17,21,33, 34

e-accessories Page 31,34,35,36,38,39,41,45

e-cable  Page 170,171,140,150,155

Earthing Page 3, 6, 7, 8, 9


Architecture e-book

Gas installation  Page 350,351,353,354,355,356,357,359,360,361,363,374,376,378

Design of Electrical Service for Buildings

Cable Page 46,47

Wiring Page 53,54,55,

Cable rating Page 82,84,85

Circuits Page 90,93,95

Distribution Page 97,99,101,103,106,110,111,112

Lighting Page 119,

Emergency Page 134

Protection RCD Page 150,

Fuse Page 145

Circuit Breaker Page 147

Earth Leakage Page 165, 166, 169

Fire Alarm Page 174, 176,186,

Lightning Protection Page 225

Emergency Supply Page 241

Lift Page 253,254,257,258,260,262,263

TV Page 202,204,212,216,218,219,221


Refrigeration& Air-conditioning


Refrigeration cycle  Page 14,15,16,18,22,23,25,28,31,39

Compressor/ Motor 46

Condenser / water tower   Page 64,66, 68, 71, 72

Evaporator Page 84, 87, 88

Expansion valve Page 94,95,96,99,101,102

Control Page 104,105,107,110,112,114,118

Systems Page 147,152,155,158,179,184,185

Load estimate Page 214, 215, 245

Air Page 278, 288, 290, 292, 297, 298, 301, 302, 303, 304, 307, 311, 317

Heat Pump  Page 320

Control Page 324, 328, 331

Commissioning Page 334

Building Service Electrical.doc

Building Electrical and Mechanical System Part 1.pdf

Building Electrical and Mechanical System Part 2.pdf


Wiring Design Planning


Electrical Equipments

Cable Termination

Wiring System



Click HERE to download the Exercises

7 Electrical Workshop UEENEEE001B+E002B +E003B+E004B+E005B+E007B+E008B+E033B+E038B



10 UEENEEG003B+UEENEEG004B+UEENEEG007B Part 2 UEENEEG103A+G104A Page 100
Electrical Workshop Wiring Mod



(1)Basic wiring circuits + wiring rules

Slide 1

Q1.What are the required topics of background study and electrical wiring rule study for selecting and arranging the equipments for electrical installations?

Slide 2

Q2.Sketch basic wiring circuit to control one switch and light.

Slide 3+4+5

Q3.Sketch a circuit for one switch and socket outlet.

Slide 6

Q4.Sketch light control circuit by timer circuit

Slide 7

Q5.Sketch light dimmer circuit.

Slide 8

Q6.Sketch the typical switch and label the components.





(2) Water heaters, switch board wiring, RCD

Slide 1

Q7.What are the special features to be considered for water heater, cooking appliances and motors.

Slide 2+3

Q8.Write an important requirements to install a switch board and main switch board.

Slide 4

Q9.What are the prohibited and restricted locations to install switch board?


Slide 5+6+7+8

Q10.How is the switch board having the exposed live parts installed?

Q11.Describe the switchboard wiring

Slide 9

Q12.Sketch the protective earthing system.

Slide 10

Q13.How can the circuit protection be provided?

Slide 11

Q14.Sketch RCD connection diagram and express the types of RCDs.





(3) Earthing+ Wiring system+ safety test.

Slide 1

Q15.Sketch the earthing arrangement diagram. And perform the wiring rule practice provided in the service.

Slide 2

Q16.Sketch the arrangement of earth bar, neutral link and RCD on main switch board.

Slide 3

Q17.Sketch the electrical installation planning for one switch diagram consisting of main switch board, neutral link, earth link and branch circuits.





(4) Cable installation

Slide 1+2

Q18.Describe the usage & limitation of TPS wiring system.

Slide 3

Q19.Describe the safety testing procedures before connection to supply.

Slide 4

Q20.Sketch the installation of circular TPS cable on a cable tray.

Slide 5

Q21. Compare ladder & tray.

Slide 6

Q22.What are affecting the actual capacity of cable?

Q23.What are the installation requirement , cable support and weather proof?

Slide 7

Q24.Describe the types of conduits.

Slide 8+9

Q25.What are the installation requirements  for conduit?

Slide 10

Q26.Describe the general features of  wiring system?

Slide 11+12

Q27.Explain the selection of a suitable wiring system.

Slide 13+14

Q28.Explain (a) pen wiring (b) Aerial wire (c) Catenary support.

Slide 15

Q29.Explain trunking system with sketch.

Slide 16+17+18

Q30.Explain cable trays and ladders with sketches.

Slide 19

Q31.Perform wiring rule practices for the tasks given in slides.

Q32.Explain underground wiring system with sketches.

Slide 20+21+22

Q33.What is category A system?  Perform wiring rule practices for the tasks given in slides.







(5) Earth fault, Hazard area

Slide 1

Q34.What are the types of earth fault, supply system fault and factors influencing earth fault currents.

Q35.Sketch the installation of earthing system.

Slide 2

Q36.Sketch ELCB system.

Q37.What is MEN system?

Slide 3

Q38.Perform the wiring rule practice tasks described in the slide.

Slide 4+5+6

Q39.What are the causes of earth fault? Perform the wiring rule practice tasks described in the slide.



Short circuit frame to resistance fault 3 ohm. Resistance of return earth loop = 15 ohm.

Find the earth fault current in above diagram.



Slide 7

Q41.Sketch the installation of earthing system and write the supplementary system of earth protection.

Q42.How can you isolate live parts?


Slide 8

Q43.What is the meaning of hazardous area and describe types of them.

Slide 9

Q44.What are the types and methods of explosion protection?

Slide 10

Q45.Perform the wiring rule practice described in the slides.

Q46.What are the kinds of equipments and wiring systems that are not permitted in hazardous area?

Slide 11+12

Q48.Sketch the fault current diagram with fuse.

Q49.Perform the performing rule practice described in the slide.

Slide 14+15

Q50.What are the important aspects of electrical installation safety & employees responsibility?





(6) Protection mechanism

Slide 1

Q51.What are the protection mechanism?

Q52.Explain fault current limiters and surge diverters

Slide 2

Q53. How can the switching transient be protected?

Slide 3

Q54.Describe the motor protection methods.

Q55.Sketch the layout of switch board.

Slide 3+4+5

Q56.Describe the switch board installation methods for non domestic electrical installations.

Slide 6

Q57.Perform electrical wiring rule practices described in the slide.

Slide 7+8+9



Q58.Determine the maximum demand of the heaviest loaded phase in a domestic electrical installation comprising

36 lighting points

24 x 10A single socket outlet

2 x 15 A socket outlet

2 x 6.6 KW range

1 x 4 Kw air con unit

1 x 15 kw instantaneous water heater.

3x 5 kw hot plate





2x 15 A socket outlet

5 kw  hotplate  x 1

4 kw air con x 1

 5kw water heater

10 A socket outlet

5 kw hot plate

5 kw water heater

3.6 kw cloth dryer

36 lights

9 x 10A socket outlet

2 x 6.6 kw oven

5 kw water heater.








Slide 10+11

Q59.Determine the maximum demand of the heaviest loaded phase of a block of 85 units comprising the following loads.

Lighting – 85 units

10 A socket outlet = 85 units

Electric range = 17 units

3 KW (13A) permanent strip heater – 85 units.

Quick recovery heater- 85 units.

Loading not associated

100 x 60 w lighting points

24 x 100 w lighting point

(Total lighting 8.4 KW)

21 x 10A single socket outlet

12 x 3.6 kw cloth dryer

3 x 12 kw lift motor

1x 5.5 kw  three phase pump motor

1x 3 kw   three phase water supply motor

Slide 12

Q60.Sketch the circuit diagram for installation & RCD testing

Slide 13+14+15+16+17

Q61.Explain energy demand metering with sketch.

Slide 18

Q62.What are the installation arrangement for RCD protection.

Slide 18+19

Q63.What are the level of protection required by regulations?






Slide 19+20

Q64.Sketch RCD and explain it’s operation

Slide 21

Q65.Classify RCD

Slide 22+23+25+26

Q66.Sketch typical installation circuit arrangement.

Slide 24.

Q67.Sketch KWH meter connection for hot water lighting and power.

Slide 27

Q68.Sketch the water heater with twin heat element.

Q69.What are the automatic control methods for hot water system.

Q70.What are the classifications of water heater?

Slide 28+29

Q71.Sketch thermostat connection for hot water heater.


(7) RCD+ Cable selection

Slide 1+2+3+4+5

Q72.Determine the voltage drop for three phase separate final sub circuit and indicate if each result is within SAA limitation. Permissible voltage drop is 15V. Assume all cables are operating at their normal temperature.

(a)    30 mm2 copper V75 TPI cable in conduit  35 m   8 amp.

(b)    3 mm2 copper V75   SDI cable unenclosed and spaced apart   50 m    30 A.

(c)     8 mm2 copper XHF   110 multi-core cable on cable tray 20 m   100 amp.

(d)     15 mm2 copper multi-core MIMS cable  Pf = 1   5 m    500 amp

(e)    150mm2 copper single core MIMS cable  5 m    500 amp

(f)      75mm2 aluminium multicore  X-90  cable on cable tray   220 m   190 amp





G003+G004+G007 Part 2

(1)Cable selection

Slide 1+2

Q1.Write the steps to select cable.

Slide 3+4+5+6

Q2.Draw the cable selection and installation process.

Slide 7 to 15

Q3.Do the exercises for slide 7+8

Slide 15+16+17

Q4.Determine the voltage drop for each 3 phase separate final circuit. Permissible voltage drop is 16V. Assume that all cables are operating at normal voltage.

(a)    30mm2 copper V75 TPI cable in conduit 40m , 80A

(b)    3mm2 copper V75  SDI cable unenclosed and spaced apart

(c)     15mm2 copper X-HF 110 multicore cable on cable tray 20m , 90A

(d)    12mm2 copper multicore MIMS cable PF 1 , 35m ,60A

(e)    180mm2 single core MIMS cable 4m, 500A.

(f)      85mm2 Aluminium  multicore X-90 cable on cable tray 150m  , 200A

(g)    3mm2 copper V75  TPS multicore cable in conduit 25m  20A

(h)    2mm2 V90 multicore cable in UG conduit  75m 10A


(2)Derating factor

Slide 1

Q5.Sketch the block diagram to derate the cable

Slide 2+3

Q6.The maximum demand current of the consumer in a non domestic installation is calculated to be 350A. The selected cable is 4 core non armoured V90 , insulated & sheathed , circular cable with copper conductors . The selected cable is 4 core non armoured V90 insulated & sheathed , circular cable with copper conductors installation of the cable places it clipped directly to un-internal wall open to air & protected binstallation is calculated y CB.

Slide 7+8

Q7.The maximum demand current of the submain in a non domestic installation is calculated to be 150A. The selected cable is 4 cores non armoured V90 insulated and sheathed with copper conductors. Installation of the cable places it clipped directly to an internal wall with 4 other circuits. All touching open to air & protected by CB.

Slide 9

Q8.The maximum demand current of a submain in a non domestic installation is calculated to be 100A. The selected cable is 4 wire non armoured V90 insulated and sheathed, circular cable with copper conductors. Insulation of the cable tray with  other circuits . All touching . The cable tray is suspended 350mm from ceiling open touching & the circuit is protected by CB.

Slide 10

Q9.4 circuits consisting of 3 cores V90 circular non armoured & sheathed copper conductor cables are bunched together in closed throughing . The throughing is fixed to an internal wall in air horizontal position open air . Each circuit is to carry 60A when protected by CB.

Slide 11

Q10.Three circuits 4 cores of HF 90 TPI circular thermoplastic insulated sheathed non armoured copper conductor cables are buried directly in ground at depth 0.7m where ambient soil temperature of 25°C. The cables are spaced at a distance of 170mm from one another . Each circuit is to carry 130A when protected by CB.

Slide 12+13

Q11. 4 circuits consisting of 3 cores V90 circular non armoured insulated and sheathed copper conductor cables are buried together in closed throughing . The throughing is fixed to internal wall into air . Horizontal position is open to air. Each circuit is to carry 64A when protected by CB.

Slide 14

Q12.A single circuit consisting of 3 single core V90 insulated unsheathed non armoured TPI copper conductor cable enclosed in rigid thermo plastic conduit which is buried in the ground at depth 1.3 m in an ambient soil temperature 25°C. The circuit is to carry 180A when protected by CB.

Slide 15.

Q13.A factory installation by 3 phase 415V supply where by a multiple section installation . The maximum demand is 200A/ph. 3 single core non armoured V90 installed & sheathed circular cable with copper conductors. Installation in rigid thermoplastic conduit buried in ground at soil temperature 28°C. Cables are protected by CB. Calculate maximum conductor size and neutral.



(3) Final subcircuit + Fault loop impedance+RCD

 Slide 1

Q14.A final subcircuit supplies a load consisting of a range in domestic installation & is protected by 32A CB . Determine maximum internal fault loop impedance of final subcircuit based on 230V

Slide 2

Q15.A final subcircuit supplies a load consisting of 25A outlet  and protected by 25A HRC fuse. Determine the maximum fault loop impedance of final subcircuit & based on 230V.

Slide 3

Q16.A final subcircuit supplies a load consisting of fluorescent lamp and it is protected by a 10A type (C)Circuit breaker . Determine maximum internal fault loop impedance of final subcircuit based on 230V.

Slide 4

Q17.Explain the operation of RCD.

Slide 5

Q18.Classify RCD.

Q19.What are the requirements of RCD?

Q20.Determine the installation arrangements of RCD

Q21.What are the causes of nuisance tripping?

Slide 6

Q22.Explain damp situation.

Slide 7

Q23.Sketch RCD, protected neutral, unprotected neutral.

Slide 8

Q24.Explain the requirements for installation & earthing

Slide 9+10

Q25.Outline safety testing procedures.




(4)Circuit testing

Slide 1

Q26.What are to be included in test on installation?

Slide 2

Q27.What are the responsibilities of inspection?

Slide 3

Q28.What are the types of test equipments?

Slide 4+5

Q29.Explain visual examination procedures in circuit checking.

Slide 6

Q30.Explain construction site testing.

Slide 13

Q31.Describe the frequency of inspection and test of all electrical equipments other than fixed equipments.

Slide 14+15

Q32.Describe the earth continuity & resistance testing with sketch.

Slide 16

Q33.What are the required items to be earthed?

Slide 17+18

Q34.Explain insulation resistance testing procedure.


(5)Circuit testing (2)

Slide 1 to 5

Q35.Explain polarity testing.

Slide 6


Explain polarity testing of sub-main with sketch.

Slide 7+8+9

Q37.Explain transposition testing with sketch.

Slide 10+11+12

Q38.Explain short circuit testing with sketch.

Slide 13+14+15+16

Q39.Explain interconnection testing with sketch.






(1) Scope + Maximum demand

Slide 1+2

Q1.Express the overview of AS 3000:2007

Slide 3

Q2.Mention the AS 3000:2007 clauses for underground wiring system.

Slide 4

Q3.Sketch catenary  system and earthing system.

Slide 5

Q4.Explain the selection and installation of appliances & accessories.

Slide 6+7+8

Q5.Determine the maximum demand of a single domestic electrical installation supplied at single phase with the following loads.

30A lighting points.

15 m lighting track.

8 – 10A single outlet.

10-10A double socket outlet.

1 x 60 w exhaust fan.

1 x 15A socket outlet.

1x 2000w strip heater

1x 15 KW range

1 x 5 KW water heater.

1 x 4 KW tennis court lighting


(2) Maximum demand for three phase system.

Slide 1+2+3

Q6.Perform the practice task for the problem in slide 1+2+3


(3) Maximum demand calculation

Slide 1+2+3+4

Q7.Determine the maximum demand of the heaviest loaded phase of a 90 units comprising the following loads.

Lighting – 90 units

10A socket outlet= 90 units

Electric range = 20 units.

2.5 KW (10.4 amp) permanent strip heater = 90 units. Quick recovery water heater = 90 units.

Loading not associated

100 x 60 w lighting points

21 x 100 w lighting points.

20 x 10 A single socket outlet

10 x 4 kw cloth dryer

1 x 5.5 kw three phase pumps

1 x 5 kw three phase water supply motor


(4) Cable selection

Slide 1 to 6

Q8.Calculate the voltage drop in each segment of a three phase 400V non domestic installation consisting of the followings.

Consumer main

Three phase maximum demand 50A route length 30m cable size 25mm2

Cable configuration- V90 single core thermoplastic and sheathed copper conductors.

Cable Installation

The circuit is enclosed in heavy duty rigid thermoplastic conduit with no other circuits. Conduit is buried in the ground having an ambient soil temperature 25 °C and top cover 0.7m

Sub main

Three phase maximum demand 45 A , route length 45 m cable size 25mm 2

Cable configuration

V90 single core thermoplastic & sheathed copper conductors structure in trefoil formation and installed in single circuit configuration. Unenclosed in air.

Final sub circuit

! phase maximum demand 30A route length 40 m cable size 5mm2

Cable configuration –V90  two cores and earthed thermoplastic and sheathed copper conductors.

Cable installation

The cables are clipped to the building structure and installed in single conduit configuration . Un-enclosed in air.

Does this portion of the installation comply with voltage drop requirement of AS/NZS 3000?

Slide 7+8+9+10+11

Q9.Perform the practice tasks on slide 10+11+12

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(5)Three phase voltage drop

Slide 1+2+3

Q10. Perform the profile task on slide 1+2+3

Slide 4+5+6

Q11.Calculate voltage drop for a circuit in factory supplying two 15 A socket outlet route 50m protected by 25A CB   V 75 TPI cable that is enclosed in air.

Q12.A 50 A three phase boiler is wired using 15 mm V75 TPI cables installed in rigid PVC conduit . The boiler is suited at 70 m from the switch board.

Q13.Six 240V   2000W flood lights outside a factory on a circuit protected by a 32A  CB . Circuit cables are V 75 TPI installed enclosed in air route length 76m.

Q14.Two single phase socket outlets installed on a circuit with route length 60 m protected by 32A  CB  V75 TPI enclosed in air non domestic installation.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(6) Questions and answers part 1

Slide 1 to 10

Q15.Perform the practice task on questions and answers in slide 1 to 10.

(7) Questions and answers part 2

Slide 1 to 14

Q16.Perform the practice tasks on questions and answers in slide 1 to 14.



Slide 1+2+3

Q1.Explain operating principle of AC machine.

Slide 4+5

Q2.Explain operation principle of single phase AC motor

Slide 6

Q3.Sketch universal series motor.

Slide 7

Q4.Sketch the shaded pole motor and explain it’s operation.

Slide 8

Q5.How will you reverse (a) Three phase motor )b) Single phase motor.

Slide 9+10

Q6.What are the common faults in motor.

Q7.What are the requirements for motor control equipments?

Slide 11+12

Q8.Sketch DOL starter & explain operation.

Q9.Sketch Star/Delta starter & explain it’s operation.

(2) AC Motor control

Slide 1

Q10.Sketch auto transformer  starter.

Slide 2

Q11.Sketch primary resistance starter.

Slide  3

Q12.Sketch  star / delta starter load characteristics

Slide 4

Q13.Sketch electronic soft start starter.

Slide 5

Q14.Sketch secondary resistance starter.

Slide 6+7

Q15.Explain three phase motor braking method?

Slide 8 to 13

Q16.Explain Plugging?

Slide 9 to 13

Q17.Explain Dynamic braking with sketches.

Slide 14+16

Q18.Explain controlled rectifier , inverter with sketch

Slide 15+17

Q19.Explain motor slip control

Slide 18

Q20.List motor protection systems


(3) Synchronous Machine+ DC Machine + Transformer

Page 1 to 7 Synchronous machine. Do the exercises (Q 1 to 6) on page 6

Page 8 to 15 DC Machine .Do the exercises on page 12 & 13

Page 16 to 32  Transformer. Do the exercises on page 20 & 31