Welcome to IQY University,


All Learning Programs

1.    Online Class Live Lessons


2.    Online Whiteboard Live Lessons

Handwritings+Hand Drawn Diagrams


3.    Online Whiteboard Live Lessons

Typed Presentations





Business Management Study Program



Lesson Slides & Textbooks


The following is study support link.


Advanced Diploma in Management


Bachelor of Management


Bachelor of Business



Financial Mgt









Five accounting subjects at 700 Level




Submit the study report at the following link and complete the assignments as necessary advised by the course instructor.











Hello all,

Welcome to IQY University, Please find your certificates of enrolment.

The following is study support link.

The support Google meeting will be held as necessary with pre notifications.


Days  : Sundays , Time Myanmar Time 8AM  or Sydney Time 12:30 Noon

Frequency:        Second  and Fourth week Sundays (Twice per month)    (This week meeting on 12 November 2023)

Your responsibility-  Regularly check the e mail, Assignment/ Study Report must be submitted every month.





Dr Kyaw Naing


Lesson 1   (12 November 2023)

Dr Kyaw Naing





Dr Hla Myat Mon



3 December 2023


Principle of Management Dr Hla Myat Mon Lesson 3 December 2023


Principle of Management Dr Hla Myat Mon Lesson 3 December 2023



10 December 2023

Mgt 301 Report Writing

Dr Kyaw Naing

Electronic Business Business Report for Feasibility Studies (Bachelor of Business Management Mgt 301 Electronic Business Course










And power point for Mgt302 


Together with assignment ideas for Mgt301

Study Guide



17 December 2023

Mgt302 Information Security

www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/Information Security.pdf








Mgt 302 Questions


 Information Security

Q1,What is information security in Business?

Q2 What are the aspects of the business systems in which the security is important?

Q3 What are the steps of the information security?

Q4. How will you implement the information security for your company?

Q5.Select any 5 five softwares and rank them for your organization that will best suit the function of your organization and explain why.


Mgt 506

Write the book review.



11 January 2024


Mgt 303     Management Information System






Mgt 303 Management Information System



Day 22Part(3)


Mgt 303


http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/Day 22Part(3)-Mgt 303-Mgt 303 MIS.pdf

File- 200911290306_64dc00.ppt

 Question 1 What are the challenges in management system?

Question 2 Why Information Systems is important in business?

 Question 3 Describe the Transformation of the Business Enterprise

 Question 4 Explain the Emergence of the Digital Firm

Question 5 What are the Functions of an information system?

Question 6 Sketch the business information value chain

Question 7 11 Explain A Business Perspective on Information Systems

Question 8 What are the Key Elements of an Organization?

Question 9 Describe managerial assets & social assets

Question 10 Express Contemporary approaches to information systems

Question 11 Express A sociotechnical perspective on information systems

Question 12 Show the interdependence between organizations and information systems.

Question 13 What You Can Do on the Internet?

Question 14 What are the functions of The Digital Firm?

Question 15 What are the Positive & Negative Impacts of Information Systems?


Mgt 505 Risk Management


http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/Risk Mgt BSBRSK501B.zip

 www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/Project Risk Mgt.pdf


Master Diploma Management Worked Example




Lesson 1




Lesson 2



Lesson 3







Lesson 5




Lesson 6




Lesson 7




Dr Hla Myat Mon’s Lesson power point

www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/Organizational Structure.pdf



28 January 2024

Mgt 304     Electronics Commerce

Mgt 304 Electronics Commerce


Day 23-Part 3


Mgt 3041


Mgt 3042


Mgt 3043


Mgt 3044


Day 23 Part 3

Mgt 304     Electronics Commerce





Mgt 304     Electronics Commerce

Online Content Providers: Digital Media

http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/Electronics Commerce (1).pdf


884.25 KB complete

Ethical, Social, and Political Issues in E-commerce

http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/Electronics Commerce (2).pdf


902.01 KB complete

Online Content and Media

http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/Electronics Commerce (3).pdf


1.10 MB complete

Online Service Industries

http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/Electronics Commerce (4).pdf


778.46 KB complete

B2B E-commerce: Supply Chain Management and Collaborative Commerce

http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/Electronics Commerce (5).pdf


1.71 MB complete

Auctions, Portals, and Communities

http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/Electronics Commerce (6).pdf



1.Explain Online Content Providers: Digital Media

2.Decsribe Ethical, Social, and Political Issues in E-commerce

3.Write about Online Service Industries

4.Explain E-commerce: Supply Chain Management and Collaborative Commerce

5.Explain the application of E commerce in Auctions, Portals, and Communities



4 January 2023

Mgt 305     Quantitative Methods for Management


Mgt 305  Quantitative Methods for Managers

 www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/Organisational culture 2.2.24.pdf




Day 24-Part 3


Mgt 305 1


Mgt 305 2

Day 24 Part 3

Mgt 305     Quantitative Methods for Management

Written References

15.46 KB complete

http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/Qualitative Methods (1).pdf


1.59 MB complete

Q1 Explain qualitative data analysis

71 KB complete

http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/Qualitative Methods (2).pdf


327.39 KB complete

22.06 KB complete

http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/Qualitative Methods (3).pdf


192.10 KB complete

Q2 Describe the areas of Management of Technology.

http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/Qualitative Methods (4).pdf



50.34 KB complete

Q3 Write the open coding process.

http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/Qualitative Methods (5).pdf


13.67 KB complete

http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/Qualitative Methods (6).pdf


1.28 MB complete

http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/Qualitative Methods (7).pdf


126.73 KB complete

Q4 What is evidence based management

www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/Qualitative Methods (8).pdf


5.75 KB complete

http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/Qualitative Methods (9).pdf


13.67 KB complete

Q5 Prepare your customer satisfaction questions.


Mgt 306     Human Resources Management





http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/Human Resources Management (1).pdf

Q1 Explain compensation


10.47 MB complete

http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/Human Resources Management (2).pdf


4.08 MB complete

Q2 Explain how to meet present and emerging HR challenge

http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/Human Resources Management (3).pdf


5.42 MB complete

Q3 Explain managing work flow and conducting job analysis

http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/Human Resources Management (4).pdf


9.97 MB complete

Q4 Explain Equal Opportunity and Legal Environment

http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/Human Resources Management (5).pdf



7.46 MB complete

Q5 How to manage diversity

http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/Human Resources Management (6).pdf


11.45 MB complete

Q6 Explain recruiting and selecting employees

http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/Human Resources Management (7).pdf


7.61 MB complete

http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/Human Resources Management (8).pdf


Q7 Explain appraisal and performance management & rewarding


Mgt 307 Marketing Management




Customer Service Management Power point

http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/Mgt 201 Customer Service Management.pdf

Customer Service Management Textbook


Additional Videos



http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/Resume Writing.zip





Marketing plan

 www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/Marketing Management.pdf


Mgt 308     Artificial Intelligence

ICT 407-Mgt 308 Artificial Intelligence


Day 19Part(3)

ICT 407-Mgt 3081


ICT 407-Mgt 3082




www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/Mgt 308-artificial-intelligence-agent-behaviour-i.pdf


www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/Yr 4 ICT Study Guide.pdf

See ICT407

 Mgt 308 Artificial Intelligence + Organizational Culture Video


www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/Organizational Culture.pdf

www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/Changing Organizational Culture.pdf





2 March 2024

Graduate Diploma of Management

Mgt 501 Organizational Management


Read  Organization theory Page 10,14,19,20,17,18,21,22,23



3.15 MB complete


 Understanding Organization 1 Page 10,18,19



3.27 MB complete


 Understanding Organization 2 Page Page 8 Stress



3.56 MB complete




91 KB complete

OB Lecture.pdf

www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/OB Lecture.pdf

OB Lecture Page 24,27,30,32,33,36,38,39,40,42,43,44,45,47,52,64




Q1 Explain the the meaning of organization


Q2 What are the types of organization


Q3 Explain the stress in the workplace


Q4 What is organizational behaviour








9 March 2024

Graduate Diploma of Management

Mgt 502 Strategic Plans Development & Implementation









3.52 MB complete



1/Explain Strategy Structure

2/What is functional strategy?

3/What is formulation of strategy?

4/What are types of strategies?

5/Explain Stake holder strategy

6/Explain external analysis

7/Explain Internal analysis

8/Explain strategy implementation.


16+17 March 2024

Graduate Diploma of Management


Mgt 503 Leadership in Organization







Pages 23,24 ,26,27,28,30,33,34,35,37,38,39,43,45,49,52,54,56,59,63


Explain the followings

Q1 Creating idea

Q2 Normative thinking

Q3 Ranking idea

Q4 Benefit cost ranking and time orientation

Q5 Idea to project

Q6 SMP Leader

Q7 Mission and Goal

Q8 Master Plan




 12,13, 15,17,21,24,27,28,30,33,35,41,44,49,51,53,56,58,60,69,80


Q9   How to lead SMP


Q10 Six box model


Q11 Waterfall model


Q12 Good status report


Q13 Good or bad leader


Q14Motivation factor


Q15 Project Presentation


Mgt 504 Innovation & Continuous Improvement









18,21,34 to 36,46,47,52,53,54,61,63,77,91,93,94,96,97,100,114

Explain the followings

Q1  Input/Output and Inventive network

Q2 R & D in Small business

Q3 Centre periphery model

Q4 Tech diffusion is learning process

Q5 Best practice

Q6 Policy implication

Q7 Cluster knowledge flow

Q8 Academic entrepreneur

Q9 Global start up

Q10 Consultancy service


Innovation examples in several work areas


Depending on your job, you can focus on the relevant area


Mgt 505 Risk Management



www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/Project Risk Mgt.pdf

Q1.What are the risks?

Q2.How are the risks classified?

Q3.How can the risk be evaluated? Slide 2

Q4.How will you manage the risk?


17 December 2023

Mgt 506 Knowledge & Information Management


Mgt302 Information Security

www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/Information Security.pdf








Mgt 302 Questions


 Information Security

Q1,What is information security in Business?

Q2 What are the aspects of the business systems in which the security is important?

Q3 What are the steps of the information security?

Q4. How will you implement the information security for your company?

Q5.Select any 5 five softwares and rank them for your organization that will best suit the function of your organization and explain why.


Mgt 506

Write the book review.


Mgt 507 Human Resources Management & Strategic Planning








10,12,15,17,20,21,23,24,27,30 ,31,32,35,36,42,44,45,46,49,52,53,55,58,59,61,67

Q1 What are the forces affecting an organization?

Q2 Define HRM.

Q3 What is HRM framework?

Q4 Explain Strategic function?

Q5 Explain motivation

Q6 How do you understand the group?

Q7 Explain HRM Organizational Behaviour

Q8 Explain Restructuring process

Q9 Explain learning of individual in organization

Q10.Explain how to measure the team factors.



Mgt 508 Employee Relations Management

Investigating and resolving complex or critical employee relations issues in a timely and effective manner. Collating and analyzing employee feedback across all levels on a regular basis and revising people programs and policies to generate more positive outcomes.

An Employee Relations Manager is vital in promoting a positive work environment and fostering strong relationships between employees and management. They play a key role in resolving workplace conflicts, addressing employee concerns, and ensuring fair treatment and compliance with labor laws and regulations. Employee Relations Managers contribute to employee satisfaction, engagement, and retention, ultimately enhancing productivity and organizational success by maintaining a harmonious and productive workforce.

Use the following job description template when hiring for an Employee Relations Manager and customize it further based on your specific requirements.


What Does an Employee Relations Manager Do?

Consult on New and Existing Policies

The policies that a company has in place determine the way employees can act. There are also policies and procedures related to labor laws and regulations. An employee relations manager provides guidance to employers on managers on policy interpretation and adherence.   These policies might relate to:

Create Benefits Packages

An employee relations manager works closely with human resources managers when a company creates or updates its benefits package. Benefits packages refer to all benefits awarded to employees, including:

An employee relations manager talks with employees to find out what benefits are important to them.  They take that information and work alongside HR to compare prices from different insurers and decide if all employees should receive the same package. Some companies now offer better benefits for employees who have been with the company longer and provide fewer benefits to new employees.

Act as a Union Representative

Depending on the industry, an employee relations manager may need to act as a union rep. Unions provide job stability and security to workers who pay annual dues. If a problem arises, a rep from the union will meet with reps from the company to determine what to do next. You may work as a representative for that union or meet with one of those reps on behalf of your employer. The union will want to know that your company followed all the standards it put in place and that workers did not violate any laws.

Negotiate New Contracts

Contract negotiations are another critical duty of those working as employee relations managers. Some employees sign a contract before they begin work that outlines their benefits and job expectations. Once that contract is about to expire, the employee relations manager meets with management to determine whether to extend, modify, or end the contract.  If the decision is to extend or modify the role, the employee relations manager works with both parties to come to a new agreement. This may involve adding more paid time off, reducing a benefits package, or increasing a worker’s salary.

Employee Engagement

The role of employee relations managers is also to assist with organizational initiatives meant to enhance employee engagement.  They collaborate with human resources to design and implement programs that improve morale and motivation.  They work with department managers and other executives to offer opportunities for leadership and development.  By encouraging employee voice and feedback, an employee relation manager can foster a positive work culture.

Performance Management

Employee relations managers play an important role in the performance management process.  They provide guidance on writing performance improvement plans and on delivering disciplinary actions.  Managers work closely with employee relations professionals to ensure fairness and consistency in performance-related decisions.

Employee Investigations

Another of the top employee relations roles and responsbilities relate to conducting employee investigations.  An employee relations manager conducts investigations within an organization related to:

They gather information by interviewing relevant parties and analyzing evidence to reach a conclusion.  They share recommendations with leadership based on their findings.

What Skills do you Need to Be an Employee Relations Manager?

An employee relations manager needs a varied skill set to be effective on the job.  Some of the top skills and qualities include:

What Role Does HR Management Play in Employee Relations?

While human resource management and employee relations are closely related, they are two distinct areas of an organization.  They differ in both scope and focus.  Human resource management includes a broad range of responsibilities including things like recruitment and compensation.  Employee relations focuses specifically on the relationship between an organization and its employees.

What Are the Educational Requirements for an Employee Relations Manager?

The educational requirements can vary depending on the organization and type of industry.  Most organizations require a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in an area like human resources or business administration.  Majors like industrial and organizational psychology may also be accepted.

While not always required, many organizations give preference to a candidate with a master’s degree.  A master’s degree reflects advanced knowledge and skills that can be valuable to an organization.


Reports to

HR DirectorVP Human ResourcesChief Human Resources OfficerHR Generalist

Job Brief

We are currently hiring an Employee Relations Manager to join our Human Resources team and be responsible for facilitating employee relations and resolving any human resource issues as required with the aim of building a positive and engaged work environment.

Main Responsibilities of Employee Relations Manager

Your main responsibilities will include:

·         Ensuring the Company's treatment of employees is consistent with its core business values and objectives.

·         Partnering with senior business stakeholders and HR teams to develop and implement Employee Relations best practices and programs.

·         Handling employee complaints, managing grievance procedures, and facilitating counseling with other stakeholders.

·         Investigating and resolving complex or critical employee relations issues in a timely and effective manner.

·         Collating and analyzing employee feedback across all levels on a regular basis and revising people programs and policies to generate more positive outcomes.

·         Participating in and/or leading projects focused on continuous improvement.

Key Requirements

·         You have a Degree in Human Resources or a related field.

·         You have prior experience in employee relations or industrial relations.

·         You have strong knowledge of HR policies & procedures.

·         You have in-depth knowledge of employment legislation.

·         You are approachable and possess strong communication.

·         You have strong problem-solving, negotiation & influencing skills.



Do internet research and find HRM job advertisements and then submit the position descriptions and  requirements .




24 March 2024

Mgt 602 Project Management





1.Project management introduction

www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/1.Project management introduction.pdf


2.Strategies in project management

http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/2.Strategies in project management.pdf


3.Strategy objective

http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/3.Strategy objective.pdf

4.Customer requirement

http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/4.Customer requirement.pdf

5.Project system outline analysis

http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/5.Project system outline analysis.pdf

6.Activity link 1

http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/6.Activity link 1.pdf

6.Activity link 2

http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/6.Activity link 2.pdf

7.Project Structure

http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/7.Project Structure.pdf

8.Team  Effectiveness

http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/8.Team  Effectiveness.pdf

9.Software development project

http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/9.Software development project.pdf

10.Control of projects

http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/10.Control of projects.pdf

11.Change control

http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/11.Change control.pdf

12.Problem solving and decision making

http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/12.Problem solving and decision making.pdf

13.Management leadership

http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/13.Management leadership.pdf

14.Development of management thinking

http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/14.Development of management thinking.pdf


Project Management

http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/Project Management Rory Burke.pdf

Explain the followings


7 April 2024

Mgt 603 Financial Management

Youtube video

Mgt 603 Financial Management-See my lecture video and answer+ Dr Hla Myat Mon's lesson tonight 7 April 2024


Mgt 603 Financial Management

www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/Financial Management.pdf

Lesson Video (7 April 2024)


Optional Unit. Without Mgt 106 Financial Management,/ Mgt 603  Financial Management you can still complete Diploma in Management/ Master of Management . But if you want the financial management skill & Mgt 106 appears on your transcript, you can choose to study Mgt 106 & answer the following questions.

Diploma Course+Masters Course Common

Slide 1 to 8

Q1.How do you understand the accounting system?

Slide 9 to 11

Q2 Explain how does accounting help the decision making process?

Slide 12to 21

Q3 Explain the followings

Balance Sheet ,Income Statement ,Statement of Cash Flows, Annual report, Assets - Liabilities Owners/Equity

Q4.Write balance sheet equation.

Slide 22 to 23

Q5 Explain the process of transaction analysis

Slide 24 to33

Q6 Explain the advantages & disadvantages of the followings.

          Sole proprietorships



Slide 34 to 40

Q7.Explain the followings

Paid-in capital, Par value (stated value), Paid-in capital in excess of par, formulas show the components of total paid-in capital

Slide 41 to 51

Q8 What is the role of auditing?

Slide 58 to 62

Q9 Explain the way to calculate the Income.


Slide 63 & 64

Q10. Describe the relation between revenue & expense.

Q11.Explain Income (profit)

Slide 65 to 69

Q12.Explain the ways to measure the income.

Slide 70 to 75

Q13 How can revenue be recognized?

Slide 76 to 78

Q14.Explain depreciation, Recognition of Expired Assets, , The balance sheet equation



Mgt 601 Logistics Management





http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/MSc Logistics Mgt.zip





What is logistics -13

Logistics system -15

Logistics cycle-17

Country supply chain 22

Logistics information system 29

LMS Data -30

Essential Data for Decision making -31

Logistics Records-31


Flow – 38


Reporting system-46

Summary Report -47

LMS Decision Making -53

Stock Status -55

How to assess stock status -56/57

Adjusting Data-62

Max/Min Inventory Control 69

3 types of inventory control -69

How much to order-69

Lead time 76/77

Ordering 83

Product selection

Procurement 111

Storage / Distribution 125/126

Shelf life

Storage space 132

Inventory control 134

Supply chain monitoring 141+142+147


Logistics Decision 155/156


1/ What is logistics

2/Explain logistics information system

3/What is logistics reporting system?

4/Write how to assess the stock status

5/What are three types on inventory control?

6/Explain procurement

7/What is Max/Min stock control?

8/Explain storage distribution

9/Explain supply chain monitoring

10/What are the factors affecting the logistics decision?




Res 601 Research Methods


 IQY Master Diploma in Research Studies




Dissertation for Doctorate

MAE 601 Research Method (30 Points) MAE602 Thesis (30 Points)




http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/11.Research+Thesis (ICT 605).zip




BAE801 Thesis Dissertation Assessment and Defence (60 Points)


MAE601 Research Method

This course guides the student, step by step, through the research process, from problem selection through writing up results. It provides all of the basics necessary to complete a research project in any discipline.

Outline. The following aspects are reflected in this course: What is research?

Tools of research

The problem: the heart of the research process Review of the related literature

Planning your research design Writing the research proposal Qualitative research Historical research Descriptive research

Experimental and causal - comparative designs Statistical techniques for analyzing quantitative data

Technical details: style, format, and organization of the research report


Lecture Video




Lecture Slides

Introduction to Research



Meaning of Research & Research Proposal






Research Preparation & planning




Research Practice







Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research


Published under the Sponsorship of the Association for Institutional Research (AIR) and the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE)



http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/11.Research+Thesis (ICT 605).zip




The title should be brief and accurately describe the nature of the project. Context of the study

Discuss the background to the central problem. Explain why the problem is significant to your teaching or professional activities and educational research.


Selection of instrument


Briefly describe the development of the questionnaire and your reasons for its selection.


Data sources


Describe the target population (i.e., the class or other group). Role of participants

Describe your role in the action research and any other persons involved the study (e.g., other teachers, principal, students).


Data collection


Describe and explain the types of data you collected, and how they were obtained and recorded.


Data analysis & interpretation


Present your results and explain the methods you used to analyse and interpret the data. Use tabular and graphical forms to enhance your presentation.




Explain your results and reflect on what they mean. Discuss the importance of both the results and the process.



ED 404 Educational Research / Engineering and Technology Research/ Business Management Resrarch


This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to undertake research into educational/ engineering/ technological/ management

theory and apply this research to improve current training and assessment practice.

This unit typically applies to those who need to develop skills in research in order to apply educational theory to improve current and future training and assessment practice


·        Prepare research brief relating to training and assessment practice /

educational/ engineering/ technological/ management theory


·        Conduct research in training and assessment practice / educational/ engineering/ technological/ management

·        Investigate and apply educational theory/ educational/ engineering/ technological/ management theory to the research

·        Report on application of educational theory/ educational/ engineering/ technological/ management theory to practice

·        Review entire process Contents

Qualitative Research and Public Policy

·         Multilevel Analysis in Higher Education Research: A Multidisciplinary Approach .


·         ConductingMulti-paradigm Inquiry in the Study of Higher Education Organization and Governance: Transforming


·         Research Perspectives on Colleges and Universities


·         Examining Pathways to and Through the Community College for Youth and Adults


·         Review of the Theories Developed to Describe the Process of College Persistence and Attainment



Assessment                                                                                                                                 Assignment 1


Locate the name of books, power point slides in which you have learnt the followings. If you can not find them in given resources, you need to do online research and express the URL


Name of Book


Name of Powerpoint Slides

Page Number


Slide Number


What is research?




Tools of research




The problem: the heart of the research process




Review of the related literature




Planning your research design




Writing the research proposal




Qualitative research




Historical research




Descriptive research




Experimental and causal - comparative designs




Statistical techniques for analyzing quantitative data




Technical details: style, format, and organization of the research report




Context of the study




Selection of instrument




Data sources




Role of participants




Data collection




Data analysis & interpretation










PHASE (3) Research Proposal + Article Contribution


Doctoral Research Proposal



Synopsis: Research students are expected to present a written research proposal within three months after commencement. The proposal is handed in to the study leader.

Assessors of this proposal are selected by the faculty for their understanding of the field and the research involved. The purpose of a research is to set out a plan for conducting the research and writing the dissertation within the available time. It should take account of the availability and guidance of the study leader.

The starting point for a research proposal is the topic, which is the field of interest in which the research is to be carried out. In introducing the topic, the proposal should clarify the field that it falls into and the specific part that field which the research will explore.


It should clarify why the topic is of interest and importance, and how the proposed research will contribute to the filed of knowledge or profession.

It needs to write the research questions and outline the way to demonstrate to answer those research questions.

The proposal should clarify the research questions, ensuring that these are specific and answerable.

It is important to show how these questions relate to the topic are, and how they will advance the student’s contribution. The proposal should detail the research to be carried out, and clarify the research methods, the timeframe and the reasons for selecting particular methods.

Where a period of literature review or research should precede any empirical research, this should be factored in as part of the research. It is important to estimate any periods of field research and to flag their duration and cost in your research proposal.


Assignment 2


Prepare & submit one proposal for research paper. The candidates will also required to do the followings

·        Writing Articles related to the field of study OR

·        Doing the seminar presentations OR

·        Presenting the lectures

They need to attend the conventions, seminars , presentations and workshops

 The candidates who have completed MAE 601 Research Method (30 Points)                          

and their thesis proposal are accepted will be awarded IQY Master Diploma in Research Studies (270 Credit Points).

PHASE (4) Thesis Data Collection and Literature Review

After completion of Phase (3) , Candidature for Doctoral Study will be admitted.

Then the candidates will need to

(1) Review the references to be used in thesis regarding their relevancy and location to refer and use in thesis

(2) Collect the quantitative and qualitative data for thesis



PHASE (5) Thesis Writing


MAE 602 Thesis

Thesis Dissertation for Doctorate

Candidates need to complete a 60000-words dissertation (in Myanmar or English) and a 3000-words executive portfolio (in English).

This program requires the candidates to complete a thesis as part of the assessment for the Doctorate

Doing a thesis / dissertation means that instead of knowledge and information being presented and following a prescribed route for answering questions, candidates are thrust into an active role of managing an investigation into a topic area. This means researching and discovering things for themselves.

They will have to set their own targets and parameters, pose their own central research questions and decide on the appropriate sources of information to support the research. It therefore requires the use of the higher-level cognitive skills of analysis, synthesis and evaluation. Candidates may choose an area of particular interest to them within the scope of course title.

 The candidates who have completed MAE602 Thesis (30 Points) but have not submitted it to

 St Clements University will be awarded IQY Diploma in Doctorate Studies (300 Credit Points)


PHASE (6) Thesis Defence

BAE801 Thesis Dissertation Assessment and Defence (60 Points) Doctoral dissertation

A dissertation is an individual effort and the candidate, academic tutor and the course professor will work together on constructing an approved topic (research question) and methodologies.

Dissertation Defence for doctorate

It is expected of Doctoral candidates to defend their thesis by means of a colloquium (academic discussion). The purpose of the meeting is for the candidates to convince a panel of experts in the field of the dissertation how well they have done in the conducting of their research study and the preparation of their dissertation


Candidates need to complete all course assessments with the results of Grade B+ or above.



14 April 2024

Dr Hla Myat Mon

Master of Management

Communication Lesson




21 April 2024

Dr Hla Myat Mon

Master of Management






27 April 2024

Dr Hla Myat Mon

Master of Management





5 May 2024

Referencing+ Assignment





Dr Hla Myat Mon Lesson Slides

4. 4. 2024 Empowerment

www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/4. 4. 2024 Empowerment.pdf


5. 4. 2024 Empowerment

http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/5. 4. 2024 Empowerment.pdf


13th April of 2024 Communication

http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/13th April of 2024 Communication.pdf


April 4 , 2024 Empowerment

http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/April 4 , 2024 Empowerment.pdf


April 26 Harvard Referencing 2024

http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/April 26 Harvard Referencing 2024.pdf


Leadership on April 20-2024

http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/Leadership on April 20-2024.pdf


March 27 of  2024 Lesson

http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/March 27 of  2024 Lesson.pdf


May 3 Harvard Referencing 2024 Extract

http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/May 3 Harvard Referencing 2024 Extract.pdf


May 3 Harvard Referencing 2024

http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/May 3 Harvard Referencing 2024.pdf



Organisational culture 2.2.24

http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/Organisational culture 2.2.24.pdf


Organisational culture 17 Feb 2024

http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/Organisational culture 17 Feb 2024.pdf


Organisational culture 24th Feb 2024

http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/Organisational culture 24th Feb 2024.pdf


Organizational Culture 28th January 2024

http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/Organizational Culture 28th January 2024.pdf


Organizational Structure Jan 10  2024

http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/Organizational Structure Jan 10  2024.pdf


Organizational Structure Paper 1  Jan 9 2024

http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/Organizational Structure Paper 1  Jan 9 2024.pdf


Organizational Structure Paper 2  Jan 9 2024

http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/Organizational Structure Paper 2  Jan 9 2024.pdf


15 November 2024

Change Management

Change Management Slides

http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/Change Management on Nov 12 (2024).pdf




23 November 2024

Change Management Slides

http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/Change Management on Nov 19 (2024).pdf




29 November 2024

Change Management Slides

http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/Change Management on Nov 19 (2024).pdf




5 December 2024

Human Resources Management Slides

http://www.iqytechnicalcollege.com/Human Resources Management.pdf